Prenatal Yoga Blog 1

yoga-picWelcome to prenatal yoga at Home4Birth Mondays at 6 PM 

We’re so glad you decided to add yoga to your pregnancy experience. We have fun in our prenatal class Monday evenings — adding experience sharing, energy, balance, muscle strength, and flexibility to your prenatal practice.

What to expect:  As in traditional yoga, prenatal yoga begins by relaxing and de-stressing through deep rhythmic breathing. Not only is this calming, but the deeper intake of oxygen is very beneficial to you (especially your bones and muscles) and to your growing baby. Deep breathing also helps warm up your muscles before practice.

After we deep breathe and warm up the body, we will do some light stretching, then shift into asanas (yoga poses), before we cool down in savasana (final resting pose).

Many of the asansas we do in prenatal yoga very similar to those poses in basic yoga. Some have been adapted for a rounded belly, and some others, adapted so that you will not too deeply stretch or damage the important supportive muscles of the abdomen and pelvic region.

Prenatal yoga instruction never supersedes your midwife’s recommendations. If you feel uncomfortable, stop what you are doing and let your instructor know right away.

Remember that your prenatal yoga practice is yours alone. I encourage you to come to class, even when you are tired at the end of the day. Breathing through fatigue and doing a light workout you can help invigorate your body, release tension and allow for new muscle expansion. Plus – you always sleep more readily and more deeply after evening yoga practice.

See you next Monday evening.

Namaste ~

Lauren Windle

Stress and the Pregnant Mom

Stress is something we all have in our life. Good stress and bad stress. Most people don’t realize that stress directly affects the nervous system which directly affects the functioning of the body’s different systems. Example: Cardiovascular, Respiratory, reproductive systems, etc. Dr. Tim Towne, from Keystone Chiropractic, will go over how stress affects the body and, how ANY sort of stress from physical to emotional, may directly affect a pregnant body’s ability to do it’s job of nurturing the growing baby. Call Home4Birth to register for this event, (765) 643-9433.  See Facebook for more information.